Agile-Essential Skill Building

A best-in-class people development framework is not just about meeting the demands of our clients. Our offerings are firstly aligned with your organizational strategies and business priorities. Partnering with your people leaders, these should translate to your employees’ most critical capabilities; relevant for now but also agile for the future.

In building those capabilities, 70% of the success comes from job, assignment and problem-solving experiences in real work situations. 20% comes from feedback, coaching and observation of our role models. Finally, the remaining 10% comes from classroom training.

We provide a broad selection of 45 skill-building topics from essential business competencies, practical HR skills for people leaders, people leadership and critical behavioral skills series. However, this alone would not be enough. That’s why our approach goes beyond merely offering you classroom training! All of our learning experiences are designed with blended learning activities that are not just confined by the classroom walls but transpire to the learners’ experiential and social settings.

Wide options of Skill-building topics

Essential Business Competencies

People Leadership Skills Series

Critical Behavioral Skills Series

Practical HR Skills for People Leaders