Agile Human Resource Advisory
An effective HRM system should send clear, consistent and consensual signals to employees to build a collective shared-meaning about the desired behaviors and attitudes that would contribute to a strong organizational culture (Bowen and Ostroff, 2004). In order to establish an engaged workforce and innovative culture that anchor to your business priorities, we provide a comprehensive advisory service on agile human resource management strategy, policies and processes.
Our consultancy service encompasses a broad spectrum of human resource functions along the entire employee lifecycle, such as:
- Employee attraction, acquisition and experience
- Learning and development
- Performance and career management
- Talent management and succession planning
- Reward and recognition
- Job and work design
- Structure, culture and organization development
- Diversity, inclusion and psychological safety
- Employee relations, communication and engagement

Some of our clients’ strategic HR projects that we have assisted in the past:
- Revitalizing the performance management system of one of Indonesia’s leading IT companies. Using OKR as the performance pivot, we have helped our client design and implement an end-to-end performance management process.
- Agile culture redefinition and realignment. Through comprehensive individual and organizational assessments, we have helped our client redefine their Agile DNA and ensure company-wide internalization of the values.
- Designing and implementing comprehensive talent development programs (from junior- to senior-level talents) to meet the company’s succession planning. In doing so, leadership culture transformation and skill building were conducted to ensure the same leadership skills and expectations across the board.
- In preparation for global effectiveness and efficiency initiative, we have helped our client, an international insurance company, facilitate change management programs along with the grass-root change enablement activities.
- While Sales has been generally known as a critical function of most companies, the actual employee behavior might still be shrouded in mystery. We have helped our clients, one of the leading multi-finance companies in Indonesia, to understand and replicate the behavior of their star performers to ensure higher and more sustainable business growth.